Owning Your Financial Wellness and Financial Narrative in a World of Firsts
In a world where STEM professionals are bombarded with the pressures of being the first to graduate college, the first to have a corporate career, and the first to get a well-paying corporate leadership role, it can be quite daunting and frustrating to envision what complete financial freedom and wellness means.
In this session, Shehara L. Wooten, CFP® will share the key components of creating a solid plan using her Build, Live, Save, Give framework. Participants will learn how to: Measure their own Financial Wellness, take control of their cash flow, and understand their values and their importance for a solid wealth-building journey. Shehara will also provide participants with tools so that they can take action and understand how to embark on a path to financial freedom and security. Shehara loves to keep the participants engaged by asking thoughtful questions and doing activities throughout the workshop. This workshop can be 60 or 90 minutes depending on how much time the conference planners allow.
Shehara L. Wooten, CFP® is the founder of Your Story Financial Academy, she is committed to helping mid-career successful, ambitious Black and BIPOC STEM Professionals who are feeling ashamed, stuck, and experiencing constant panic about their finances develop an action plan that inspires them so that they feel safe, secure, confident, motivated, financially independent and has peace of mind which helps them know that they don’t have to rely on anyone for their financial future and security.
A few years after earning her B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shehara changed careers in 2004 to pursue her purpose of helping clients achieve financial success. As a fee-only CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, speaker, and author of In the Meantime: Own Your Financial Narrative, she helps STEM professionals gain access to solid financial planning whether they are at the beginning of their financial journey or have more financial experience under their belts.
Shehara has presented for numerous organizations which include STEMNoire, STEM Media, Intel, Electronic Arts, National Black Bar Association, Society of Women Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers, Black Women in Science and Engineering, and countless other organizations.
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