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Mindelyn Anderson

Founder, Mirror Group

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Session Date

September 14, 2024


Session Time


Breakout Session 2

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Thoughtful Leadership: Dreaming and Executing in Partnership

It can be tough out here in these #futureofwork streets. Are you a solo founder grappling with how to take your organization to the next level with other seasoned leaders? Are you an experienced professional curious about how your gifts and talents can be highly leveraged outside of a large corporate environment and inside of a growing small business? Are you a solopreneur or vendor who desires to come in-house as a senior leader with your right-fit client organization? Are you a mid-level professional keen to take ownership of your career development and leadership trajectory? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the session for you. 

Join Mirror Group LLC COO Kiva Slade and Founder + CEO Mindelyn Anderson for an engaging workshop on locating your Counterpart™. Settle into mutually generative and liberatory executive leadership that grows organization infrastructure, bottom line revenue, employee experience, and what’s possible when you lean into complementary strengths and execute better together. This interactive breakout session brings meaningful, accessible, and actionable data and information applied to the real-world practice of dreaming and executing values- and mission-driven, for-profit, data-driven organization.


Mindelyn Anderson, PhD is Founder of Mirror Group, an evaluation, learning, and strategy consulting firm that makes data and information meaningful, accessible and actionable. She founded the company in 2017 and has since grown Mirror Group into a formidable partner supporting foundations, nonprofits, and cross-sector initiatives with government, industry and community at the table.


Mindelyn's happy place is in the art and science of serving as a mirror to reflect where we are (evaluation), what is possible (learning), and how we can get there (strategy) leveraging data for equitable transformation. Feel free to ask her anything about work, life, and everything in between.

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September 14 - 15 2024

Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter, Atlanta, Georgia

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