Are you an Intrapreneur? The Importance of Communicating Your Unique Abilities to Solve Problems and Drive Growth
As women, we have the gift of focusing on the collective, rather than the individual. We bring people together with the goal of achieving successful outcomes. How each of us demonstrates this gift varies. It must be acknowledged and others must be aware that our gift exists. Session participants will learn how to articulate the value they bring to their role and/or team. And what that means to their personal brand and the ability to be an intrapreneur or an innovative, problem-solver in their current company and role.
Dr. Kenya Oduor is the founder and CEO of Lean Geeks. Lean Geeks is a firm focused on creating effective outcomes that enhance clients’ products and services. Dr. Kenya works to understand individuals and users to influence their ability to be purposeful and effective. For business clients, she defines, creates, and optimizes products and services in their portfolios. For individuals, she ushers growth that leads to clarity and purpose. To accomplish this, she focuses on understanding human context, defining viable opportunities, and designing effective outcomes. Her professional skills include leading strategy and brainstorming discussions, defining and executing mixed-method human subject research, designing and creating human-centered software and service solutions, and facilitating cross-functional collaboration and decision-making activities.
Her specialties include the application of mixed-method research for customer discovery, requirements definition, and formative and summative evaluation. Recognizing the limitations in industry recruitment practices led to her desire to define and employ creative recruitment strategies to ensure participants are diverse and representative of all consumers.
Dr. Kenya holds a doctorate in Human Factors. Her training includes coursework in cognitive and applied experimental psychology and industrial engineering. She is Pragmatic Marketing® Certified. Her Agile ScrumMaster ® and Product Owner ® training are a solid foundation for her ability to help teams understand how to incorporate product management and user experience activities and deliverables into the overall product development lifecycle.
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